I am so busy crafting beautiful glass art that I have no time to be here! Please check Facebook – glassbykarin – to see the latest. THANKS!
- 10-11 December, 3. Adventwochenende, Galerie Celisius, Gonderange, I will be present myself during that weekend to show you my new winter collection at the Galerie – come and have some Xmas cookies, Xmas tee or a sip of bubbly to celebrate Xmas in a very cosy and special atmosphere, also discover the handmade items of 20 other craftspeople/artists in the gallery, it’s well worth finding this hidden gem in rural Luxembourg (15 minutes trip from Luxembourg city)
- 12-24 December, Krëschtmaart, Foyer virum BRAM, City Concorde, open everyday (Sundays inclusive), I will also demonstrate how I do my fused glass (except for putting it into a kiln)